Sunday, April 3, 2011

Shareholder value in Germany more important than public safety

The energy supplier RWE intents to relaunch the oldest reactor in Germany again to defend their law position.They still have the right do do so,because the nuclear plant was in accordance to the law when it was builded 40 years ago!
Germany is mentioned in the Guiness book of records for the country with the highest amount on laws,prohibitions and regulations.As you can see all these laws are nothing worth when it comes to money.This nuclear plant makes a million a day in netto profits,that's all what matters,not the public safety!

A day later:
The Ministerpresident of Baden-Wüttemberg Oettinger is making up his mind how a coming disaster could be covered by insurance!

"The most decomposed states are having the highest amount of laws."
Roman history writer
50 b.C.

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