Saturday, February 23, 2013

BMW stocks-Some chart technic

The times are risky and the economy sensitive sector as well as the banks are as usual the most under stress.Anyway,my last trade ended up with a loss of 0.4%,could be worse.:) While staying in cash I avoid to pay to close attention to the market and try to maintain a more distanced view.My focus is these days on stocks like BMW again,who are likely continuing their losses for a while.
A ten year chart of the stocks:

The closer view isn't that convincing neither:

Even more quality time with the family ahead.:)

"Employ the time well if you intent to get leisure."
Benjamin Franklin

Monday, February 11, 2013

Bilderberger and former World Bank chief James Wolfensohn on the future of global economy


A must see!

Die ganz normale email aus Deutschland

Schon wieder Post von beglueckten Buergern der EUDSSR:

Diese Art von Zuschriften haeuft sich z.Zt. exponentiell und der Geschaeftsmann in mir raet einem direkt ein Fluechtlingshilfe-oder Emigrationsberatungsbuero zu eroeffnen.:(

Schon wieder verliert der Behoerdendschungel zwei weitere Steuersklaven,Empfaenger kommen-Zahler gehen.
Dazu passt dieser Artikel in MM-News:

"Wer sich den Gesetzen nicht fügen will, muß die Gegend verlassen, wo sie gelten."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Monday, February 4, 2013

The European Union & Soviet Union similarities - 2013

The EU parlament is by the way in fact a Bilderberger Parlament.

The movie of Alex Jones "Endgame" is in this context worth the time.
Endgame German

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Comodo Dragon browser

A enhanced version of Google's Chrome is since a little while our most used browser.

If you want to give it a try,here's the download Link.
While the installation the Dragon browser can be also installed as a portable app. and be runned from a USB-stick or just a browser who is requiring less system resorces than the installed one(We prefer portable software if possible).