Saturday, April 30, 2011

Disney-5% since recommendation at April 15th.

The Dow Jones is as expected not the fastest horse in the barn these days but it all depends to the amount of capital to make a satisfying gain.:)
The chart:
Five % is still a lot more as costumers get on interest for saving acounts,five % in two weeks is even better.:)

The mentioned recommendation:

Alcoa-3 % since recommendation at April 15th.

This "heavy" blue chip is not the fastest mover in any direction,but they continued as predicted and Investors are 3% in the plus since i mentioned Alcoa in this posting:
I would sell soon because as you see in this chart the trend is still valid but lost on strengh:

Firefox shortcuts

Friday, April 29, 2011

Top & Flop Investmentfonds 2011-list of precedence

This is the upper and lower end of a comparison of more than 2000 of the best & worst performing Investmentfonds in the world.
This listing of Fonds is of course not complete,but could help to find what the investor is looking for.:)
Some more info's about Fonds strategy etc.:

Astronomie page for kids in German

Daniel will learn about astronomie from this webside in a couple of minutes:

He will continue later with a trip through our solar system:

Firefox 4.0.1

We never hesitate to stay up to date with our browser and downloaded the 2,6 MB update right away.The version 4 is having still some weaknesses and the developers are working hard to get rid of it.We don't know what we exactly updated,but anyway the Firefox still works.:)

Available through a click on Extras-About Firefox-Check for updates:
More details about the update:

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Volkswagen 10% since recommendation at 20st. April

Trade to live,live to trade! (The philosophic part for today:)

A six months chart:
Today's intraday chart:(Wasn't much to make in daytrading,because they opened high)
I misted the best part of it yesterday through the internet problem,but life continues.:)

The mentioned posting:

The €uro today

The €uro is now allmost at 1.49 and retraced a bit down from 1.4880:
I would sell my futures or options at 14950 and wait a while first,but in fact i've not much hope for the $ at all after the press conference of Ben Bernanke yesterday.
I guess the 1.50 will likely fall soon as well-it's getting cheaper day by day for us in Cambodia.:)

Google Chrome 11 has arrived

The upgrade to the new version is very recommended because of 24 important bug fixes as well as a integrated speech recognition.

The English version can be downloaded here:

By the way,at this page many languages can be choosed on top before kicking off the download process.Don't miss to download only what you need.They are trying to add a bunch of additional stuff to the download as well.:)

Google is known for collecting infos about their users by tracking their webside usage.Since this is public i wouldn't use Google Chrome anymore.
For the Chrome 10 was the "Uncrome" programme available.Uncrome blocked the contact between the browser and Google(As XP Antispy blocks the contact to Microsoft).The company fixed that by disabling this software in this most recent release.

A interesting opinion about Googles spywork:

In German:

36 hours in the "darkness"

Our internet did quit the service two days ago at midnight.Metfone said it will work the day after tomorrow again,oh man!
This morning it didn't work anyway as promised.I went to their office and asked about it.
"They are all in a meeting right now,please come back later."
This was the moment when i went a bit louder and said that they can't efford a meeting anymore pretty soon,if they have lost all costumers through this lack of costumer service!
That oviously helped and the tecnitian fixed the problem as fast as Speedy Gonzales can run!
After beeing back in the internet i saw that the stockmarket made a nice jump meanwhile,great!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Every fourth between 35-65 is dying through Alkohol

Today at
"The number of alcoholic intoxication doubled within the last ten years in Germany.
Between the age of 35-65 years every fourth death is in context to alcohol.
The sitiuation is dramatic says the central office for addictions.Responsible is the politic as well."
The whole article:

Elmos Semiconductor-a buy right now?

A very interesting stock:
I would be out again at 11,95$
Some more news about the company:

Intel-more than 10% since recommendation four trading days ago

Nikkei 225 before market opening

Monday, April 25, 2011


This morning when we had our coffee at the Oechheteal beach i talked to a gentleman from Europe who is making up his mind how he could make a living in Cambodia.He seems to be a nice guy,so why not helping him a bit.
I offered to check the top performers for him and will introduce him the investment later in the afternoon.
After few minutes i found what i was looking for-a high quality 5 star Investmentfond of DWS,investment core area Germany.The fond is among the best performers of European fonds since a long time.
The DWS Deutschland ten year chart:
This Asset is moving allmost as volatile as the market itself.Therefore the investment needs to be treaten like a buy of individual stocks and sold imidiately when it get's bumpy-The stockmarket isn't a oneway street.:)

At next i'll check the best Russian and China fond for him.

My personal global orientated fond investment strategy would be divided this way:

50 % Germany (The best performing European market)
25 % Russian blue chips (Had no time yet to compare the different fonds)
25 % Chinese emerging markets ( "" )

I'm not doing Investment fonds at all anymore since 11 years and trade individually instead.This requires 0.5 to 14 hours work per day and the market is "my boss".

The Investmentfond strategy is a more than adequate alternative for investors who don't want to put that much effort into it.:)

After more research about Asian & Russian fonds i would not decide right now for investing in this markets,contrary to my first statement above.

A remarkable quality Fond from DWS investing in Asian small/midcap companies:
They are apparently talking a break since the beginning of 2011.No wonder after the outstanding performance in the privious year.
The facts sheed:

The approaching end of Europes social benefits

The Washington post this morning:

In the likely following scenario i would rely definitely more on my guns than on insurances nor state provided safety alone.Who knows but maybe it's getting ugly-very ugly!

Be smart when it matters at most and arm yourself,learn to protect your family with a gun.
Ladies should learn of course shooting as well.( IPSC for instance )

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Charity work

Today morning i joined a catholic Pastor for medicating the poorest of the poor.This efforts take place every Sunday in different villages and i intent to continue this work once a week.
We supplied medical treatment as well as healthcare advice like gymnastic against neckpain and so on in a fishing village close to the port and medicated within two hours more than 50 patients.
The pastors mission is urgently in need of drugs as well as helpers.
The following Sunday i'll put our efforts on Youtube to gain hopefully more supporters for the project.
Feel welcome to contact the Samaritarian Love Mission in personal by
Email :
or Fone: 00855 012 789 443 or 00855 093 789 421

Drugs we used at most today:
Anti fungual cream
Caugh mixture
Dysantery drugs
Costiveness drugs

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wisdoms of the day

"Well manners are a consequence of many little sacrifices."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
American philosoph

"We need more insane people.Just see where the normal ones have taken us to."
George Bernhard Shaw
Irish dramatist,philosoph and winner of the Nobel Price

"Carpe diem-Seize the day."
Roman poet(65-8 b.C.)

"Be respectfull towards the ones who deserve it and more or less cautious opposite to all others."
Sascha Michael Nowak

"Improvement means to learn of consequences and to be consequent at all."
Sascha Michael Nowak

Zooming on websides

What i'm doing all the time very easily is maybe new for some readers?
It's possible to zoom in & out by pressing Strg + Mouse scrolling.
You've known that perhaps allready since ages and thinking now why he's publishing such useless info's.:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Intel yesterday

If you followed my advice yesterday to buy Intel(i gave this recommendation hours before market opening)you made up to 7.8 % in one day!!!
They'll likely continue the rallye but a retracement after this plus is also possible.Keep this in mind if you intent to buy very soon.
At the time of my second advice they was still down at 1.22 % at 19.86 $:


RWE refuse to turn away from nuclear energy

After the disaster is Japan the German energy provider is facing massive contrary wind.
Chairman Mr.Grossmann is defending the cooperations strategy with emphasis.Any concesives?No way!
The government keeps on to criticise RWE.

RWE's current stockquote in the private pre market(6,6 % lower):

Nikkei's good mood continues this morning

It looks up to now auspicius for the coming opening of the world markets.
A interesting day is aspected for Volkswagen,Infinion and Co.I hope for a lower opening with subsequent recovering quotes,but see the markets more likely to open higher.:)

Markus Gärtner heute

Die Intelligenz und der Humor von Herrn Gärtner ist wirklich beeindruckend.
Versuche grade nach den ersten 2 Minuten auf seinem Blog mich wieder von den Lachkrämpfen zu erholen und es wieder zurück auf den Sessel zu schaffen.:)

Markus Gärtner-der Champion der Finanzwelt-Berichtserstattung:

Einer seiner vielen phantasischen Artikel im Deutschen Manager Magazin:,2828,757892,00.html

Euro & US $ charts

The Euro made it now over the 1,45:
The oil price rised 2.9% yesterday:
At 4 pm. local time the €uro already went through the roof-1,4634 at the moment:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Volkswagen today

A thirty months chart:
Looks quite nice or not?
But i wouldn't buy from now on before tomorrow,maybe they open lower.:)

Notebook offering in Phnom Penh

I suggest to compare this offering with the best you can find.The Toshiba price on the German page was 799 €uro,but with the 460M chip,just by he way.It's delivered without a Windows operating system,just how we would like it.:)
(XP Pro+SP3 is our operating system of choice at any computer.)

In relation a notable PC offering for the same price:
(We've no contract with this shop or something,we just like their webside and price transparancy.:)

Intel 1.22% + since recommendation

The day isn't over yet,but in the last quarter.:)

5 minutes work

Wow,that was a good one today and i made the following month in 5 minutes-i do really love the stockmarket.:)
We'll take a ride now first.:)
I guess i'll stick for a while longer to this chip producer for daytading because they are mowing in large steps quite predictable.Infinion is by the way the "German Intel".

Microchips are coming back

Economy news:
30 months Intel chart:
The chart technic background looks quite convincing as well.:)

I allways recomment own research,gaining knowledge in the field stockmarket and stay on alert when you're invested.Get some good books of definitely sucessfull traders and investors.Take your time to learn through "theoretical papertrading"from expierences and so on.

I bought my first stocks after half a year learning via Comdirect online broker when i was 20 years old.My first trade with VW stocks went successfull and i made 13% in three weeks of the 7700 DM's i invested.:)Half of the gain went straight into the next bookshop,economy department.:)

The Nikkei 225 is recovering this morning

After a worrysome loss yesterday,which brought the Nikkei down to only 100 points above a very important support line the Japanese market is regaining and back in the sidewards channel around the 9600:
4 hours later:
At 7 pm. domestic time:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Facts and lies about the US economy

Maybe it wasn't that bad that the US immigration law is so restrictive and made us deciding against migrating to the US.
Some unfiltered facts:

Who likes to work for peanuts?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Google Chrome 10 important update

The developers closed three security risks in this update and it's recommended to install it as soon as possible to fix that.
The three safety gaps in the Chrome 10 are considered critical,particular the one in the Flash Player.
The necessary process can be kicked off by clicking the integrated update function,if it isn't automaticaly done yet.:)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Bushido

While repeating knowledge about the Samurai code-the Bushido i just thought let's publish some details from Wikipedia for readers who are interested in Asian culture:
The five main requirements to a Samurai(Dōjōkun):

Towards the Emperor and the homeland
Towards the parents and respect.
Towards yourself as well as dilligence.


Hardness and Cold bloodedness
Patience and Persistence

Openess and Honesty:
Sense for honor
Wisdom through the study of warfare and philosophy.(文武両道, bumbu ryōdō)

The seven virtues:

Rectitude (義 gi)
Courage (勇 yū)
Benevolence (仁 jin)
Respect (礼 rei)
Honesty (誠 makoto)
Honor (名誉 meiyo)
Loyalty (忠義 chūgi)

Associated virtues

Filial piety (孝 kō)
Wisdom (智 chi)
Care for the aged (悌 tei)

To have violated these ideals meant for a Samurai to have to commit suicide until 1868(Seppuko 切腹)

Wisdoms of the day

"Feather and paper are igniting more fire as any matches."
Malcolm Stevenson Forbes

"Never consider yourself poor because your dreams did not become true.Indeed poor is only the one who've never dreamed at all."
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Austrian novelist

"The life isn't a music request programme."
My mother

The fastest browser-test update

The economy of Greece

What is still keeped behind the cutains in European newspapers are quite alarming facts:
Insurances and fone companies are most treatened by bancruptcy.The first vitcims are allready laying in the sand.
Many greeks began two weeks ago to withdraw their money in a rush from domestic banks in billions since this run started.
For instance two university clinics in Athen had to close medical services because they can't pay the stuff nor the drugs anymore.
The interest on Greece bonds took off and is right now at 18.4 % for the onces with 2 years validity.
The parlament is unable to take any actions exept accusing each other.The ruling coalition is breaking likely appart while new elections aren't planed for soon.

That was just the consense of a article about the current state of Greece economy.

How i repaired the systemcrash a few days ago in detail

More details to the systemcrash and the choosen repair method in this updated posting:

Opera 11.10 Portable

After we downloaded the browser and imported the bookmarks from Firefox 4 we liked the Opera just better than the Chrome 10 after a while.The unique feeling while scrolling...
After a while we decided to deinstall the Chrome 10 and replace it through the new Opera,because one backup browser is plenty for us.:)
By the way:
As many readers for sure know it's suggested in computer magazins to take a portable version over a desktop variante if available,because the portable one is less interfering the system.
The download link:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A busy Saturday

After time with the family i'm actualysing all the installed programms and still find some we don't need anymore to deinstall them.I keep the system as slim as possible and exept the 70GB personal files on the PC and of course the only OS(XP Pro)is everthing else saved on external HDD's plus the backup of the personal files included the software collection.
Three of our five partitions are empty and got recently fresh formated-more than 500GB.
The computer runs very fast and reliable this way.:)
I upgraded before allready:
Q-Dir Filemanager
For us a very important tool and the only one to organize the computer,open files and movies and so on.We don't open the Windows Explorer at all anymore.
(Install file is less than 0.7MB.)
SiSoftware Sandra
System Analisis-Detailed and helpfull program,finder of weak points within the system.(Install file 56MB)
Sumo Updater
Scans all installed software for actuality and manages the update,too.(Install file5MB)
Provides a insight in the condition of used HDD's.(Install file 6MB.)

I'm not done yet,but more than half the way.

Virus on your Computer ?

Then i would recomment to download a 60 day trial version of
Norton Internet Security 2011
,install it,update it and scan the PC afterwards with the integrated 'Scan Now' feature.
If your partitions are containing any cracks,keygens etc,safe them to disk before even touching Norton,or he will likely delete them.:)
You should deinstall Norton after the trial period only with the
Then restart the computer and install NIS for another 60 days right again with the privious described process.:)
We keep of course all installers of downloaded software well sorted in a seperate folder from where we can install anything right away.Our software collection is quite large,by the way.:)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Alcoa-A buy for long term investment

Stocks like Alcoa are saving the nerves and once they are moving in the right direction they aren't crashing that suddenly(exept Lehman bankruptcy:)-a classic "Blue Chip" investment.
A closer chart:
Usually i'm trading the German market,but since the readers from the US turned into the majority of visitors today i just though let's publish some Dow Jones analysis as well.:)

Disney-It's getting interesting

It looks neat for at least 43,40$,fast made 5%.:)
A fast decision is after a confirmation candle required,if you share my opinion.:)

Wisdoms of the day

"Content makes poor men rich;discontentment makes rich men poor."
Benjamin Franklin

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."
Benjamin Franklin

"Educate your children to self-control,to the habit of holding passion.Prejudice and evil tendencies will subject to an upright reasoning will and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society."
Benjamin Franklin
Author,publisher,politician,economist and natural scientist.

Hewlett Packard-A buy at 38 $ ?

If this mark prevails another test,it's looking quite good for a new rallye of my currently most minded Dow Jones stock.

"Buy panic-sell euphorie."
Donald Trump

Nikkei 225-What's next?

I would sell right now and wait for more clear signals.The treat of retracement is ovious and likely finaly decided,if the Nikkei ends up a day benith 9317 points.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ein wirklich ganz besonders informativer Blog in Deutsch von einem Wirtschaftexperten, der auch fürs Manager Magazine schreibt.
Der Blog is echt a Zuckerl:

Europe-new talents are coming

They are all high educated and definitely willing to pay the pensions.:)
The refugees are coming in thousands every day by boat to Italys island Lampedusa.
The hospitality of Europes social systems is boundless and everybody is looking foward to welcoming the new citizens.