Saturday, November 19, 2016

Tandem launch in Sihanoukville

Was flying with a friend here, a short flight with landing in the valley.

Friday, September 30, 2016

The best navi-app for android

If you seek an app with offline navigation for Cambodia don't look any further than to the Sygic app from TomTom. It works offline contrary to Google Maps, but drains the battery I need to admid. The app comes with an integrated dashcam and many other features. A great app!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation

The former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov explains how psychological warfare works and what it takes to mess up a society:

Even more enlightening is this very detailed explanation of psychological warfare, especially the last 22 minutes:

If you can detect similarities to present occurrences and developments you're one step closer to comprehend what's really going on in these turbulent times.
P.S.: This interview was recorded around 1985!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

NATO on tour

The North Atlantic Terror Organisation made some new friends while driving through the Czech Republic:
Thanks to the Ex-NATO soldier, who showed them what many people think about their barbaric actions all over the world, he got sentenced to three years for that.:(

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

All governments was foreclosed at Dec. 25. 2012

It's true, we're all free!!!
"All beings now act in the capacity of individual entities without a corporate safety net and with full personal liability for each and EVERY ACTION THEY TAKE under common law, protected and preserved by public policy UCC 1-103, and Universal law, the governing law laid out in the OPPT UCC filings. (Refer: WA DC UCC Ref Doc # 2012113593)Should any individual pursue any actions on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or “Government”, causing another individual any damage as herein described, they in their individual and unlimited capacity are absolutely liable. Such actions may result in the receipt of a Courtesy Notice."
OPPT foreclosed all governments
BANKS & “GOVERNMENTS” FORECLOSED WORLDWIDE-The One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) announced the foreclosure of the world’s banks and “governments” on December 25th 2012 stemming from prior investigation into massive fraud across the entire system
In German:
Alle Regierungen und Konzerne nach UCC Recht zwangsvollstreckt.
Der passende Flyer zum verteilen.

Als die Sklaverei in USA offiziell abgeschafft wurde haben die Sklavenhalter das den Sklaven auch erst gesagt als sie dazu gezwungen wurden. Da sind wir jetzt wieder. Das System wurde von der hoechsten Autoritaet fuer illegal erklaert und zwangsvollstreckt. Kein "Staatsbediensteter" hat irendwelche Sonderrechte mehr und ist als Individual Person vor dem Internationalem Volksgerichtshof in Den Haag voll haftbar fuer alles was er tut. Es gelten die Reichsgesetze von pre-1937, die BRD Gmbh wurde mit allen UCC Staaten endlich als Verbrecherorganisation erklaert und zwangsvollstreckt. Wir sind alle dem Staat nichts mehr schuldig, die Systemparasiten koennen den Buergern gar nichts mehr.
Der erste Weg in die Freiheit fuer ueber einen Staatsbuergerschaftsnachweis und eine Kuendigung des BRD Personalkontos, die Rueckgabe des "Personalausweises", abschliessend den ein Finger Gruss an dieses illegale Verbrechersystem nicht vergessen!
Druckt Euch die wichtigsten Dokumente aus und tragt sie bei Euch falls ein Angestellter der illegalen Firma Amtsgericht, Finanzamt etc. irgendwelche Ansprueche stellt. Seine Firma wurde naemlich ZWANGSVOLLSTRECKT !!! Droht diesen Berufsverbrechern mit einer Klage in Den Haag und lasst die Kamera laufen.
Die Youtube Videos veranschaulichen diesen Umstand mehr als ausreichend.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Serendipity beach in the morning

Don't miss to check out Sihanoukville.:)

Monday, March 28, 2016

Saturday, March 26, 2016

With the family at Oecheteal beach

A picture of us while we had a great time at the beach:

Monday, March 7, 2016

Deutschland auf dem Weg zum "Failed State"

To read the news nowadays about our former home country Germany is beyong anything I would have aspected. The speed in which things turned from bad to worse is unbelivable! We don't read any mainsh... media anymore since years and rather rely on independent info sites. While reading articles like this one we remain convinced that we've done the right thing to move here over five years ago. Despite all critics we faced when leaving Europe for good the reasons should be by now even for the worst ignorants easily visible. The law of causality can't be replaced by good will and ideologic ignorance in the longer term. All the commited mistakes like the mass migration of total retards and barbarians, who tread women worse than livestock and commit crimes on a daily basis have turned one of the safest countries in the world into a banana republic where the law has no meaning anymore.

Baden mit Steinzeitmenschen