Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BMW:Be careful

Yesterday was a quite bumpy one in the intraday market,but it's imo still looking good for the DAX itself and therefore for the stock,at least for today.:)
The first hour:
We are out for a bike trip.:)

More not so good news about some banks

The whole debt disaster will go off soon!
These S & P downgradings are another one in the stomach for the banks and adding up to the lack of trust in the inter banking market,the lack on equity capital,the huge wholes in the books of the banks and so on.
The effect is mainly that all effected banks are need to pay higher interest for borrowed money within the inter banking market which is harder and harder to get by anyway,that means pretty soon "Game over" for quite a few "financial service providers".

Remember the old AC/DC song "Run to the hills"?

Business Insider
Cramer:We are in DEFCON 3

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

BMW intraday

So far a happy birthday for myself and I'm right now waiting for the next chance today.:)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

6 months Volkswagen chart

"Every crisis is a new opportunity".

Sascha Nowak

Monday, November 21, 2011

Die Inflation kommt!

Es gibt ihn,den ehrlichen,aufrechten Wirtschaftexperten und Boersenhaendler,nicht alle unserer Zunft sind Betrueger.Deswegen hier ehrlicher und uneigennuetziger Rat und meine fachliche,oeffentliche und auch in Fachmagazinen zu findende publizierte Warnung an Verwandte und Bekannte,aber auch meine Leser in deutschsprachigen Laendern:

Traut diesem Staat nicht,die werden Euch komplett ueber den Tisch ziehen!


Um Euer Vermoegen abzusichern kauft wie schon zuvor empfohle Aktien von BMW,Henkel und z.B. BASF und sichert diese Aktien mit Verkaufsoptionscheinen (Put's) gegen Verlust ab.Dabei wird Euch Eure Bank behilflich sein.Das ist erfahrungsgemaess die vernuenftigste Art der Rettung seines Vermoegens.Auch in der Verganganheit hat es in Deutschland ein Goldverbot gegeben,nur mal so am Rande.

Commerzbank:Sell off like predicted

At this posting my suggestion was to be careful and don't trust the 1.54€ support mark.
Today's current quote:

No $$$ to make with BMW right now:(

At least my expectations for this day was right so far.

The whole DAX is just a disappointment and it's getting worse by the minute:
The bottom of this ongoing market drop will be the next opportunity to make good money.That's the part when patience and persistence (Feel free to read the Bushido posting) will pay.:)

On the other hand I had to close the last trade ten trading days ago! urgently after only 5 minutes when I was trading BMW.They went up almost one percent in the right direction before turning like a falling rock!Still was able to rescue 0.34% gain,what was just ridiculous compared to the expectation.:(
I do really miss the competition with the other market participants since,but I was just to scared to endure that again.:(
Just check the chart to see that the stock is still having some short phases of recovery,therefore opportunities but not with my nerves.:)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How much Goldman Sachs is in the Euro zone?

Business Insider

Just some more frightening details how bad it really is.:(

The whole story at the blog of Markus Gaertner right here

Monday, November 14, 2011

A morning with a Russian family

The friendship to the Russian family mentioned before is getting tighter. After a nice Saturday afternoon at their huge and just stunning three storey house with swimming pool we took the family to the noodle soup kitchen this morning and they just liked the place and food as we do. The couple is also very inquisitive to improve their English what is making the conversations quite agile when we are trying with hands and feet to express ourself.:)
Our kids are coming well along with each other as well even without a common language and the affection of the family is just contractual.
We will spend the afternoon again at their place and I offered to take care of their notebook.I will update their software to the most useful configuration,just check the PC section for that matter.:)

We ended the day at our most liked beach bar and are looking forward to a jungle trip next weekend and some more mutual noodle soup breakfasts in the meantime.:)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The theft problem at Otres beach

After talking this morning to a friend from Italy who is living at Otres beach and was very disappointed about the ongoing property crime at this awesome beach my warning for you,dear Cambodia tourists:

Don't leave anything at the beach while taking a swim.I suggest to ask your bungalow owner to take care of your belongings while you're in the water.The Cambodians are very friendly and helpful people who wouldn't mind to keep your bag,camera and so on under their supervision while you're in the sea.Just do not leave anything unattended.

Have a nice and safe holiday in the Kingdom of wonder.:)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Germanys immigrated "skilled labour"

After nationality listed the social help receiver of the so indispensable immigrants for the German economy. Criminals and social parasites are probably the only ones who still want to come to Germany. The others take rather the opposite direction!

"The one who tells the truth needs a fast horse"
Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Welcher Mensch mit Verstand und Fahigkeiten, die ueberall verkauft werden koennen geht in ein International-Sozialistisches Land, um in einem System zu arbeiten wo anteilig mehr !!! Menschen aus dem System rausnehmen als einzahlen? Witzigerweise hat aber jede/r eine Stimme, also entscheiden die Empfaenger und Profiteure des Systems ueber die Bezahler! Aber eins ist auf jeden Fall klar:

"Wenn der Wirt stibt, dann stirbt auch der Parasit!"

Hier der Beweis meiner These: Nato-Propagandschleuder-Die Welt:"Fachkräfte von außerhalb der EU meiden Deutschland"

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Suggestion for a new EU-flag

This flag would fit much better to the current stage of the European Union.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A cell phone at the repair

One of our cell phones took recently a bath and therefore did quit the service.
Today the phone and myself went with good intentions to a repair service at the market in order to get that thing cleaned.From now on the adventure began.
After handing the phone over the mechanic opened it and said"No problem,come back in an hour and it likely will work again for 5$ fee"-excellent.
After returning as said to the shop they tried to ensure me that another old cucumber was my phone,it just aged ten years while being in their repair shop for a little while.I requested my own cell phone back anyway and got the answer that another mechanic took it elsewhere and that they will get it back in another hour,first doubts on my part came up?!?
Anyway,I thought lets give this "professionals" a bit more time to figure out where that thing is.After being to the repair shop for the 3rd. time they just asked me to come back once again in another hour or tomorrow.That was the point when hell broke loose for these crooks and I told these fools that they can explain the Police pretty soon what happened to my phone,they shouldn't try to rip me off because I wasn't born twenty minutes ago!
That obviously helped and they handed the right phone over,but without the battery!After another complain about that the battery suddenly made it back into my possession as well!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Saturday in our life

This morning we did begin the day as usual in the noodle soup kitchen.:)
After household work we got joined by a friendly Russian lady and her little daughter who are living since almost a year in Cambodia as well.We did talk yesterday for the first time at the bakery.Her husband had to stay at home because of stomach irritations.We had a great time anyway and a lot to speak about.We said goodbye around lunchtime,but the family invited us back at the coming weekend.:)
After spending the hottest time of the day at home and watching the new episode of Pirates of the Caribbean we did drive to Otres beach and talked on the way back home to some young guys from France who are travelling since a year and are urgently looking for a income source."We would work for food and a bed"-oh man!I suggested to ask in the Monkey Republic or the Utopia for a job.With them was also a young woman who looked very sad,that did hurt to meet some more pleasant but also disappointed victims of circumstances,the lost generation of the bloody EU-crisis.:-(
Right now Danny is repeating the clock in English with Michaela before he will go to bed pretty soon.:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Quotations of the day

It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.
Thomas Jefferson

It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.
Thomas Jefferson

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson

Never spend your money before you have earned it.
Thomas Jefferson

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
Thomas Jefferson

Power is not alluring to pure minds.
Thomas Jefferson

That government is the strongest of which every man feels himself a part.
Thomas Jefferson

The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.
Thomas Jefferson

The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.
Thomas Jefferson

There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents.
Thomas Jefferson

Truth is certainly a branch of morality and a very important one to society.
Thomas Jefferson

Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very fast.
Thomas Jefferson

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson