Friday, May 31, 2013

SAP-First impression

How a nice trading day is supposed to begin:

Thursday, May 30, 2013

A SAP trade in realtime

I had bought right before where the arrow points to. We will keep the value papers for a while longer. I write about the sale on time.:)
The stock was sold a couple of days later, taking a loss of 1,6 %. :(
The first loss is still the best and SAP is loosing further since.
Wrong decision-Price paid!

Our home made joghurt

What you see at this picture is our hi-tech yoghurt maker to make our own as it's made since six thousand years.:)
How to:
Use UHT full milk and heat it the way in the picture up to 40 degrees Celsius and keep it there.
Use three spoons of the best yoghurt you can buy as the starter.
Mix this starter separately 50/50 with the milk you got in the container, bring the starter up to 35 degrees and add it to the milk.
Add two teaspoons of sugar as nutrition for the bacteria you are about to spread troughout the milk.
Keep on stirring the coming product frequently for 4-8 hours and maintain at best 38 degrees while the process.
After you're done put the yoghurt in the fridge where it will stay fresh for around ten days(Supermarket yoghurt stays fresh for two months, likely not without added preservatives and additional thickeners).
Enjoy your home made yoghurt with sugar, fruits, honey...:)
You can of course use this yoghurt as a starter again and again.You never have to buy another one.:)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thai style fishcakes (Tod Man Plaa)

Just another nice snack we tried today for the first time to make by ourself:

The recipe

Monday, May 27, 2013

Next trade: SAP

Once a while something about my trading activities:

Friday, May 10, 2013

CDU Wahlplakat von 1999

Die Sprechblasen der €-Einluller

Die sieben gebrochenen €-Versprechen

Wofuer wir nie wieder Steuern zahlen, oder wo unser Sohn nicht aufwachsen wird:
Selbstbedienung: Wie sich das bayrische Polit-Kartell die Taschen füllt
Man wird aus der Distanz betrachtet den Eindruck nicht los, das sich die staatsbediensteten Schmarotzer ihre Sklaven mit den zugereisten Schmarotzern teilen, die sie zu Millionen alimentieren!
Diese Statistik ist schon ein paar Jahre alt, duerfte seitdem nicht besser geworden sein:

40% der Arbeitslosen sind Auslaender aber das Wirtsvolk soll sich weiterhin bedanken und Tolleranz zeigen,sprich zahlen!
Staatsanteil an Stromrechnung erstmals über 50 Prozent

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Usefull browser extensions

Some more on how we pimped our browser (Crome based Commodo Dragon) :

While surfing we're using for instance this Keyboard Shortcuts to make surfing more pleasant and time saving.

Oil is of unlimited supply-How lies are ruling the world

As I mentioned a while ago is oil not a remaining of dead dinosaurs and rotten trees but some sort of chemical reaction. A quite interesting topic, particularly when considering how we get ripped off each time we're refilling our tank. :) Some more evidence to the story by Russian scientists:
Das Mearchen vom Peak Oil

Groesster Oelfund in Australian seit 50 Jahren!
I suggest to use the translate function of your browser to read this text in your language of choice.
Google Translate, just in case.

I am by the way pretty sure that many guys thought that I am kind of nuts to publish such a statement when I wrote about it the first time and I am by the way always enjoying to prove the opposite and to open your eyes in the same time. :)
For all the lies about me on brainwash TV of the German state I just thought I keep on publishing the truth about them in reward.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Chemtrails in favor of Monsanto

The topic was one of the most frequented ever on this blog, so here comes some more information on chemtrails and who is taking advantage on polluting our environment while the politicians are doing worldwide their best to conceal all facts:

"If that would be true they would have talked about it on CNN! "
Joe Sixpack

Air Force Chemtrail Whistleblower Exposes Geoengineering