Sunday, April 17, 2011

The economy of Greece

What is still keeped behind the cutains in European newspapers are quite alarming facts:
Insurances and fone companies are most treatened by bancruptcy.The first vitcims are allready laying in the sand.
Many greeks began two weeks ago to withdraw their money in a rush from domestic banks in billions since this run started.
For instance two university clinics in Athen had to close medical services because they can't pay the stuff nor the drugs anymore.
The interest on Greece bonds took off and is right now at 18.4 % for the onces with 2 years validity.
The parlament is unable to take any actions exept accusing each other.The ruling coalition is breaking likely appart while new elections aren't planed for soon.

That was just the consense of a article about the current state of Greece economy.

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