Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our moskito repellent

This are all equaly good repellents as well as a good treatment after a moskito bite.
We apply this mixture of Menthol,Campor,Eukalyptus oil and clove oil every two hours on exposed skin areas like the feets,arms andneck,what smells well and cools,too.Not a single moskito even come close anymore,as long as we don't forget to repeat applying it every couple of hours again.

A effective repellent without any chemical contents.

In the moment we haven't any bugs in here at all,i guess trough the change of the humidity since a short while.


  1. ... und der beste ist der kleine mit dem Affen drauf ... ;-)

  2. Das ganze Zeug is so effektiv.Habe mal eine Ameise auf dem Tisch damit "eingekreist",die kam da nicht mehr raus.:)
