Thursday, March 31, 2011

Starting economy boom in Thailand ?

In Thailand the balance of activities increased significant.The active balance increased from 1,09 Billion $ to 3.8 billion $ from january to february 2011.
The exports of the country increased 29.1 %,the imports 18.6 % in the same time,as released by the Thai Federal Bank.

The Euro's next advance to crack the barrier

The Euro incrased again to the Dollar and as mentioned before the barrier can fall any day:
The one month chart:
If i would trade currencies i would go long in the Euro as soon as the barrier of 1,4250 falls.

Our moskito repellent

This are all equaly good repellents as well as a good treatment after a moskito bite.
We apply this mixture of Menthol,Campor,Eukalyptus oil and clove oil every two hours on exposed skin areas like the feets,arms andneck,what smells well and cools,too.Not a single moskito even come close anymore,as long as we don't forget to repeat applying it every couple of hours again.

A effective repellent without any chemical contents.

In the moment we haven't any bugs in here at all,i guess trough the change of the humidity since a short while.

Today's visitors

The vistors of Sascha's blog are changing faster than ever since a week.
A few days ago we had suddenly 83 clicks from United Kingdom within half a day.
But anyway,the blog was far more frequented in the peak tourist season.I'am enjoying the writing in the blog anyway a lot and want to say this way:

Welcome again and enjoy your time on Sascha's blog.:)

The "strong" Euro

In fact the Euro is drilling itself into the ground,if you devide his inner worth trough all currencies in the world the Euro is only somthing like 0,78€ worth anymore!
This number is of course changing,but was valid only a few months ago.
The Euro is only strong against the US Dollar,not against any other major currency in world.Some people maybe don't know that.
A few charts:
The Euro against the Swiss Franken:
The Euro lost even hard against the Thai Baht:
I suggest just to Google for more charts against any currency you like to know,just to see the ship sinking!

According to the first comment:
The best and smartest imho is right now to make money in Euro and life of the US Dollar as we can here in Cambodia.If anybody want's to move i would work myself further in this direction,just as a advice.
If interested guys learn webdesign,stocktrading or any other income source over the internet or give private english lessons to privileged people,as i did in Thailand for a while,just for instance,you can make a nice living in Cambodia-a nice country.
They let you in,you get your one year work visa in the supermarket.Nobody bothers you here and we are free to do any legal business we want-not bad at all.

That's where we are frequently downloading school material for Danny.
Teachers in Germany are getting a lot of their tuition material from this webside and we can recommend this huge source for homeschooling.
This link showes for instance all grade workpages for the subject German.More than 500 downloads are enlisted as search result,amazing!
We don't need a teacher anymore,because we've a printer and for sure no learn therapist,too.:)

Far more school related links can be found when clicking on "our favorite websides" in the sticky's.

Accoriding to the first comment:
We got in there by just asigning.We aren't afraid of consequences in Germany for using teaching materials,we paid far enough tax for in advance.
We'll never see this country again anyway,so no worries,at least for us.
By the way,try it without primitive words and in English if you looser want to appear in this blog again!

Time to relax

Some quiet sides of Sihanouk Ville:

The sweetwater lake near Independence beach

The lake seen from another side according to this posting:

Flat sidecosts in Germany

Today in
The sidecost for flats are up to 3€ now-per square meter!!!
For our house here with i guess 100-120qm. we would pay in Germany more 300 € on sidecosts.This is twice the rental fee for the house!
By the way,our sidecosts are allways 10-12$,because we get sick from aircons and use fans instead.Even if we would run the aircon dayly we would end up with not more than 30$.
I suggest to read the comments of the readers benith the article as well.

Adobe Reader 10 released

Adobe fixed security bugs with the new version through a integrated "sandbox" modus.A suspicius PDF can be opended this way in a safe environment.This process is closer described in my posting about "Sandboxie",a software,to open any file safely this way.
Integrated in the new Reader 10 are also 2 webservices-"sendNow" and also "CreatePDF".
Th "sendNow" feature enables the user in the free version to send up to 100MB PDF files to web apps.
The integrated "CreatePDF" function can converts documents into a PDF.
A free registration at Adobe is required,to use this additional services.
Deinstall the privious version first,before installing the Reader 10 release.

Personal Opinion:
The "Reader" was allways a quite tired tool compared to free alternatives like the far more versatile "PDF-XChange Viewer" for instance.
"DoPDF" converts any dokument into a PDF within a virtual printer.
To safe websides as PDF is done by us with the seperately described Firefox Addon "WebtoPDF".

I suggest to use this combination instead,deinstall the Reader at all and take advantage of far more possibilities of "PDF-XChange Viewer" in comparance to the Reader.A sreenshot of the Xchange viewer:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Natural science for Danny

His question was this evening about the ermine:

Here a very detailed info page about this little predator:

Danny is lerning that right now,so we've to continue.:)

Harddisk prices in Cambodia

I recently requested per Email a offering from a computershop in Phnom Penh according to a 2TB HDD.
I got back a offering for 140 US$,the only 2TB they had in storage a while ago,what is just rediculous.
Here a offering for the same HDD in USA:
I also asked in a shop in Sihanouk Ville and got offered a 2TB external HDD for 170$,a HDD which is anywhere else a 100$.

New maths schoolwork

Danny will continue with the same tasks after a short break.By the way,by clicking on "Ãœben"(exercise)new numbers are generated.Danny will do three of this pages today plus writing and reading in the early afternoon.
Later in the afternoon and evening we continue with anything he likes to know,just be research in the web and explaination.
He's enjoing that,because it's often in accordance with his personal interests.

Soon he'll be requested to make notes in subjects like science or history and'll get tested afterwards.But we don't stress him to his limits.We consider it important,that Danny keeps his open attitude for lerning and try to force him to anything as less as possible-by the way,he's learning fast without a "fist in his back".:)
Danny's break is over...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Asian ladies are loving music from Eros Ramazotti

When we lived in Thailand and played Eros the mother next door allways came out and listened with dedication.
Here is living a Cambodian lady next door,oviously with the same taste.:)
When we played the "Tutte Storie" before i asked her if it disturbes,she denied.I asked her if she wants me to burn a CD for her-the sparkling in her eyes...

Said and done!

Let's make a nice lady happy and get some more Italian flair into Cambodia.:)

The DAX today

After the bad news from Japan about increasing problems in Reaktor 2,environmental polution and the unpredictable situation in general all markets are dropping like the DAX:
Time to do something else,like writing in the blog about it.:)

The English language

I spended half the night editing all my misspellings and rediculous grammar embarrasments of postings i placed months ago.
That was a lot of work and seen afterwards it showed me also how fast i improved my English in 7 months abroad again.
My vocabulary was far better,when we lived four years in Thailand through all my paragliding friends from all over the globe,i've spended so much time with allmost every day.
In four years between,when we lived in Austria i just allmost never speaked English at all and i was shocked after our arrival here how much i had forgotten again.
I readed frequently English pages,but if the foreign language isn't spoken often...

You'll likely find one or another i forgot,they are probably a good laugh.:)

But i think this showes also how important it is to learn every day,because we are forgeting so fast.

Our school schedule

Danny did better in in the maths tasks this morning.Now we'll take a ride and continue later with other subjects.
Because later it's to hot to drive around and plenty of time left to continue learning.:)

Many things are just a bit different when living under palms.:)

Monday, March 28, 2011


Not the best monday morning for my favoured BMW's.
They are falling further and are 2 min. later 1.5% cheaper.

After five hours power outage in our destrict(2pm to 7pm),it seems i haven't missed a thing.:)

My first abstract art approach

How we keep the pc working in tropical heat

Our pc is opened on one side with a fan behind,cooling the whole system included the modem on top.We placed the modem upside down,because the ventilation slots are at the bottom,while the warm air usually takes the direction upwards.:)
That keeps our hardware running flawless,even at the hottest days.
I'm also cleaning the rips of the processor cooling device every couple of months,what makes the pc running pleasantly silent,too.

Danny in maths this morning

Before we repeated the lesson of last week.The higher numbers are of course demanding for Danny,therefore we'll continue this tasks for the week.

Within the town

The Ochheuteal beach today

The backpacker street of Sihanouk Ville

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sandboxie-Start unknown programms within a "virtual operating system"

This boring looking tool enables the user to open unknown,suspicius programms within a "virtual OS".This keeps any possible viruses/threats within this "sandbox" and prevent them to spread further to important files or windows system folders.
You also can launch a browser,who is operating within the sandbox out of your kontext menue to surf safely through suspicius websides as well as checking for instance weird email attachments.

Info's and download link:

The same in German:

Firefox 4.0 Theme "Blue Fox"

We choosed this Theme for now,plenty others are available when clicking on "Extras","Add ons" -"search for Add ons".
The "Blue Fox Theme":

The 1 year Euro chart

Firefox 4.0 AddOn"Bit Defender Quick Scan"

This AddOn scans the computer quickly for malware.
Bit Defender is right now the second in the "Internet Security Suite" tests after "Norton Internet Security".This sounds imho quite promising for this AddOn.
I'm right now optimizing the new one,This screenshot just with another "Persona".:)

We upgraded to Firefox 4.0

We finaly decided to upgrade after reading more tests and news about the Firefox 4.0.
Many Addons are working with the new one as well,unfortunately not Blackout.
The personas still can be used,haven't known that before.The browser is launching within the blink of an eye,amazing!
The new one can't be installed seperately and is while the installation replacing the older version on it's own.But we deinstalled the privious version anyway.
The new browser is while surfing much faster as the privious Firefox 3.6.16.
We can recommend to upgrade,no problems occured while the process.All bookmarkes got recognized and so on.
We backuped the privious version with the free tool "Mozilla Backup" and could transfer back,but after the first tries-never!
Firefox 4.0-the best browser of all the new ones we tried.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

A nice hideaway

If you like it simple and quiet in your holidays then maybe this spot could be your one.Also located at the Otres beach:
Present day,9pm.

The Media Monkey

This our PC music studio.
The Media Monkey imports every music file into a archiv,from which they are throught different search methods easy to find and also can be burned,converted or simply played.This tool is the best we tried so far and it's every day in use.

The player is for free and can be upgraded afterwards to the "Gold" version.
We found the right internet link to do this for free(Sorry,but no suggestions in here how to crack software).:)
Free download link:

After the installation you can click on "Extras",then "Optionen"-right on top is the language bar visible with plenty of different ones available.

Some Cambodian fishing boats

Need a beach?

The Otres beach at 9am.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Earthquake in SE-Asia

Northern Thailand,Myanmar and Laos got hit last evening by a earthquake of 6.8 at Richter scale.
The epicenter of the quake was 90 km north of Chiang Rai.

A day after the disaster burmese tv is reporting 74 victims,111 injured.More than 400 houses collapsed.Particulary effected was the burmese town Tarlay.

The DAX today

The DAX half an hour before opening at 9am:
The market opened in this condition and is doing pretty much nothing.
BMW at 8.31am:
My euphorie for today slowes down a bit,we'll see.

The BMW around noon:
The Nikkei 225 is doing very well again:

Dengue flies

We watch particular out for this ones here:

They are mainly day active compared the common domestic moskito:

Wikipedia about Dengue fever:

Firefox Addon "Faster Firefox"

This Addon makes through optimizing a lot of processes like "copy & paste" esier,it also continues at the end of a webside on it's own to the following page for example.
The Addon convertes also every visible webadress on a webside automatically into a link.
If a content get's marked a little window appears above it and gives the choice of searching via 4 differnet search machines about the marked words.
It's imho a very usefull Addon,but i suggest to learn also a few shortcuts,to use the full potential of "Faster Firefox".
To get this Addon as fast as possible,just press "F1",the firefox homepage opens,search by keyword,dowload,restart the browser-and enjoy "Faster Firefox"

The markets are going up again

Some Asian markets in the morning:
BMW made 3.9% yesterday and will very likely continue:
Time to make some $$$ again.:)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

wisdoms of the day

"When you feed a hungry dog,he won't bite you afterwards for that.That is the difference between humans and dogs."
Mark Twain

"Aspect very much of yourself and very less of others,this safes you a lot of trouble."

"Cynicism:To see a thing how it really is,not as it schould be."
Oskar Wilde

Portugal disagrees with saving money-Germany should pay instead

The deep in the debts Portugese state disagrees with the savingplan and prefers instead to hatch under the "rescue umbrella",wich is mainly payed by Germany with the money many grandmas knited quite a wile for: