Friday, July 1, 2011

€uro/US $ chart

The Greece bailout effect:
Since the US depts are back in the news because Standard&Poors warned the US Government to downgrate the US rating to "D" if the Congress remains unable to decide for a dept limit increase soon the €uro is taking further advantage.

The rating "D" means by the way Default-Bankrupt!

I belive that the dept limit increase is allready decided through the lack of other choices.The increase of the dept limit was done by the way seventy times since the 60's,so why they should hesitate this time?
But this consealed politic works well to influence the stockmarkets,why i'm not surprised?

Additional information:
For US Congress members is insider trading in fact legal and free of penalties up to now and they refuse to change the law.

Insider trading for Congress members

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