Friday, May 27, 2011

Danny and joghurts

Unfortunately he doesn't like joghurts that much.We are a bit concerned about him taking enough calcium.Danny lost yesterday a upper incisor,the second one isn't visible yet.Anyway,it needs enough calcium for kids to grow strong teeth.
That's why it allways take a bit of time to get him having a jughurt a day,but we are sure that he'll be thanksfull anyway in the future for not beeing a regular patient of his dentist.:)
Pregnant women should drink at least a liter milk per day as one of the biggest gifts for the the strengh and health of her child like my mother did in this time.
In my case it helped and i haven't seen a dentist since 15 years,no inlet's,fillings or teeth crones in the age of 38 years!


  1. now we understand why u go out u country:

  2. Cambodia is like a huge playground for kids.The Cambodians smile at Danny a thousand times a day because they just love children-a paradise for a family.:)
    Danny is growing well here also in terms of his character as such a happy child.We let him be a "child" as long as he stays one,contrary to the often demanded adult-like behavior in western societies of such young kids.
    Beeing husband and father of a happy family free of problems is imo as good as it can get's in life.:)

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