Monday, November 22, 2010

Danny and television

When we moved to Thailand for 2 Years allmost seven years ago we also sold watching TV for quite a period of time.In two years in Thailand and 4 years in Austria we did not miss it a bit.
In our house here was the TV allready included and we agreed with Danny that he can watch cartoons for a resonable amount of time the last eight weeks.

Since then ywe see his creativity,agility and his willingness to do somephing on his own exept enjoing entertainment decreasing.
We raised him without TV until he wen't allmost seven and we can say also his ability for concentration was higher at that time.So now we're working hard to get him off the TV again and doing somephing creative.
For instance painting,what he liked to do for hours before he got used to the brainwashingmashine".


  1. fernsehen ist sowas von überflüssig, es ist eh nur schund und lügen. lebe seit ca. 7 jahren ohne fernsehen und vermisse es nicht ;-)

    wenn ihr ihn wieder vom fernsehen weg bekommen wollt, ist ein hund wahrscheinlich wirklich eine tolle alternative - euer sohn müsste mithelfen, ihn zu erziehen und terrier sind ja generell ja sehr spiel- und bewegungsfreudig :-)

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