The Germans are not not the funniest people i did meet so far in life.
My people are in my opinion the volk with the biggest lack of solidarity of the western world,the most impolite manners as well as the majority of the German speaking neighbor countries,what a differnce to all others.
These very jealouse guys also enjoy it to hassle others,talk crab obout their co-workers or maybe just take the neighbor to court for a peanut reason.
If you give a German any kind of power over others you can wake the Ceasar in allmost anyone of them.
That's also the way they drive a car for example,free to the motto "I,Me,Mine".I never will forget the daily egoist war on German roads while i had to live there.
We keep only a few exeptional relationships with this people.
But as a boomerang everything comes back to you sooner or later.In this case the country got flooded by totaly unable immigrants who are not willing to work their butt of in order to pay the German paradies for officials which is ruled by lawyers.These guys are behaving totally different and are destroing the society from within.;jsessionid=839E44B60915B9D4BD9CB9D1D357326D
The State is working hard to conseal the facts and keep the way into desaster running,as long as the money of the tax slaves is comming.
As an example:
more than 31.000 EU burocrats granted themselves 3 income raises in once for doing nothing exept fu... up the economy and creating new useless laws.We don't pay that!!!
The biggest betray of a volk in recent history-the currency union brought so much new poverty over the EU that governments are preparing for the worst behing the curtains.They even legalized to shoot in case of a riot at the people.You don't belive?Just google "EU Verfassung" and enjoy the new socialism coming included the harrasment of people with different opinions and so on.
We will watch this scenery from the sideline,keep on enjoying our lifes and really don't give a daim about it anymore.