Dank des Vassallen - Statuses der BRD GmbH. , ermoeglicht durch rueckradlose Deutsche Polit - Schlampen Washingtons , die sich nicht fuer einen Friedensvertrag und das Ende der Besatzung einsetzen lagern 500 nucleare Gefechtskoepfe des U.S. Militaers in Deutschland. Dies macht Deutschland logischerweise zu einer der groessten Bedrohungen Russlands im Falle einer Eskalation.
Seit wenigen Tagen ist nun deswegen ein betraechtlicher Teil der russischen Raketenabwehr auf Deutschland gerichtet !!!
Praesident Putins Ansprache und mehr Info's hier.(Es ist sehr! wichtig diese Fakten gelesen zu haben!)
Ein kurzes Zitat daraus:
USA ziehen eine gigantische Streitmacht in Europa zusammen
9.Mai 2015
Heimlich, still und leise: USA schaffen weitere Kampfpanzer nach Deutschland!
Das ist Kriegsgeraet fuer eine Invasion!!! Nach der Bilderberger Konferenz am 9-12 Juni in Telfs, Tirol ist alles moeglich! In dem Zusammenhang wuerde ich die Militaerdoktrin Russlands noch mal genau lesen, um die Tragweite eines solchen moeglichen Angriffs zu verstehen. Zu den Bilderbergern: Der Film Endgame(Deutsch) auf Youtube gehoert sozusagen zum Grundwortschatz von "Verschwoerungstheoretikern" wie mir.
Merkwuerdigerweise wurde auf den Mainstream Seiten nichts ueber diese weitere Lieferung von schwerem Geraet berichtet?!? Alles laeuft in Richtung grossem Angriffskrieg, man muss nur die Augen aufmachen, um das sehen zu koennen.
I suggest Google Translate to read this website in your language of choice.
Hi, welcome all readers of Sascha's webside.:) You will find information about Sihanouk Ville,day-trader opinions, computer knowledge, philosophy, political developments in Europe as well as stories about my family and me in Cambodia,our expat destination of choice on these pages.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Daniels Writing
Some most recent handwriting of our home-schooled eleven year old boy:
The self chosen topic was this time the capitol of Russia. He asked me a lot of questions about the city, so we went on Wikipedia and Danny wrote six pages about Moscow, he translated it afterwards verbally into German. The translation took him about one and a half hours, by the way.
So far the news about our home schooling progress with Danny.:)
The self chosen topic was this time the capitol of Russia. He asked me a lot of questions about the city, so we went on Wikipedia and Danny wrote six pages about Moscow, he translated it afterwards verbally into German. The translation took him about one and a half hours, by the way.
So far the news about our home schooling progress with Danny.:)
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Part-time father Sascha at work
We are daily taking care of a little girl from the neighborhood who has no father anymore for a couple of hours while her mom is teaching at school.
She misses him obviously a lot and hugs me often as tight as she can. We are also teaching her some English and even German as you can hear in the video clip. She picks up everything like a sponge and even calls me "Liebling", what means darling in German since she did hear Michaela saying that.:) Life never gets boring in the kingdom of wonder. :)
She misses him obviously a lot and hugs me often as tight as she can. We are also teaching her some English and even German as you can hear in the video clip. She picks up everything like a sponge and even calls me "Liebling", what means darling in German since she did hear Michaela saying that.:) Life never gets boring in the kingdom of wonder. :)
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Buchtipp: Gekaufte Journalisten
Ein fantastisches Buch ueber die Propagandaindustrie in Deutschland.
Pflichtlektuere fuer alle die noch glauben was in den Nachrichten, Fernsehen, dem "Spiegel" etc. der BRD GmbH. verzapft wird.
So zensieren Deutsche Medien - Udo Ulfkotte.
Staatsstreich.at - Dröhnende Medien-Omertà zu Ulfkottes “Gekaufte Journalisten”
Die Propagandaschau ~ Ein niemals vollständiges Logbuch deutscher Medienpropaganda
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Die BRD GmbH
Gute Zusammenfassung der Rechtslage um die BRD:
Saemtliche Fakten koennen natuerlich durch Google und sogar Anfragen bei der Gemeinde ueberprueft werden. Habe ja vor geraumer Zeit dazu schon mal was verlinkt, einen Vortrag von Andreas Clauss und die jeweiligen Firmeneintraege im Handelsregister. Tja, liebe Verwandten, das sind einige der schwerwiegensten Gruende fuer unsere Auswanderung aus Deutschland!
Saemtliche Fakten koennen natuerlich durch Google und sogar Anfragen bei der Gemeinde ueberprueft werden. Habe ja vor geraumer Zeit dazu schon mal was verlinkt, einen Vortrag von Andreas Clauss und die jeweiligen Firmeneintraege im Handelsregister. Tja, liebe Verwandten, das sind einige der schwerwiegensten Gruende fuer unsere Auswanderung aus Deutschland!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
The Epic Browser
While surfing the internet you make a lot of people rich by selling the tracking results of your surfing to the common suspects like Facebook, Google etc. While using the awesome (Open Source!!!) Epic Browser you'll likely notice the incredible speed in which the browser is getting you to your destinations. While all advertisements and trackers are blocked you see the blocking in real-time and be likely pretty stunned sooner or later when realizing how they track you like a toy-robot and recording everything you do.At this point while writing the posting in the Epic browser it blocked already 96!!! tracking attempts!
The arrow marks the Proxi on and off switch, just perfect.:)
After finishing this tread the tracker counter is up to 279!!! trackers blocked, thanks to the developer team, its our new default browser.:)
Download the Epic Browser here.:)
The arrow marks the Proxi on and off switch, just perfect.:)
After finishing this tread the tracker counter is up to 279!!! trackers blocked, thanks to the developer team, its our new default browser.:)
Download the Epic Browser here.:)
Sunday, August 10, 2014
The new trading system rocks !!!
After ten years abstinence I'm finally back to the professional "TaiPan Realtime" from Lenz & Partner in Germany. TaiPan is widely used by institutional investors, asset managers and dedicated day-traders alike. The trader can for instance apply all sorts of indicators, moving trend lines and much more into the real-time chart. The trader also got access to the times & sales by a mouse-click along with unbelievable versatile adjustment opportunities, filters and so on, just give it a try.:)
The most recent version 8.0 is a huge improvement over the older version I used years ago for a short while and are considering it well worth the costs in relation to its capabilities.:)
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Encrypted email
For friends and blog users, who want to send us encrypted emails or files we're publishing upon request our public key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1 - WinPT 1.4.3 Charset: UTF-8 Comment: Gnu Privacy Tools Comment: Download at http://www.gnupt.de mQENBFO/+X8BCADqmDJazoaYJlPE7gf+3ZGcpzyu3M3Aa8wOjWB9ZPfsfhTAR8XA 6vUIa07uyYvMnp000MJUiAM9CczEBZu2Es3rsfin6SwFW+IBjL0DJ7xUFKjI/uVu MbkGT6h+xYgQJtjr92+Jan3ArY6p442zCjt/tPeULuej72/FcpuaXd7F+6iuf1XK LBjfp+4HTlItZtG1b3DQ5Ag76FUIF5b6rtblIdcGBmeNsDV0CSr8xDHgUBqSQjHU mdcIbizB+0DsjsV8pAx3jReNfpMZUKFtuUOfF8UStpgSVQrWxLw95fleHSnMpWg1 MQV6fs3DDGB814vZ2yQ8Sq0mqBaUUEj+i24rABEBAAG0J1Nhc2NoYSBOb3dhayA8 c2FzY2hhc3Bvc3Rib3hAeWFob28uY29tPokBOAQTAQIAIgUCU7/5fwIbAwYLCQgH AwIGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQFqOgtR/4nDhKMAgAkCEch1Gu8Jr46ryA fgjRKnNPjlBhvloF5aOUkLimAUCuSoQp5v8PsruwaNqWTz7Ar6lYu2hb809Cr9EY uIqEBjJYiItCSv50jW4kBNkBYNACmxe+jG5ljqIj9U+fleXH7scPZGbDMUk0DVfB Vv9Z8k3ciigoBmTSvA7HHZjzQiBhff3XHH6QlfXjjdzcT3nPXWwj31XuLs0Vo0O/ nc3hA7P8u2eHKHsA6PHTAqKRGK9gM6vIchogzd1zYLweoggNCJZvSq+Kbc8aODj1 EYiadsW56i8riYv/ivWqB0ZVQfvFJWvwip7Bp3dFA1LgS5GjGrYsMIqWQR0vCGUO Ff7oy7kBDQRTv/l/AQgAwU+nAfJ6PStItEA5yjz7fMgWD1/gmAcNLpN7PVq3GZdi Rusuc92GoMvBGvDGTPVFN8KS2SsFusx8SBoOpBUrPePiJRR3V3B/duM2nG9QZ00r /LG6oPGpdlfGW1WFn7jHxB2iJ0SZqaT/9J3i/pm5tPTj/y8ys7ynFRAV+8KMEIXM kMDasTqOmth9JMiq4kTf5sTxnBX0XB4sPPtLucemm2UH4JW0X2QH2/NQ8MTBRiZi C2J8H+YpakJ02ewfi2bkKWjtmV3A31KyZrIcUPoil0V2/s+rEIQhpOqmUDULOiqA 1uIpEtx+c20hReePFnX6G3kBLk+KD4Q2jRSMmben+QARAQABiQEfBBgBAgAJBQJT v/l/AhsMAAoJEBajoLUf+Jw4XeUIAMtY+GQMQWoLjXDJsmhgOV4fi8cKW9dIZwuV 4YNPr+o0BGOdTdr7GUeJ4Oxdk3Vdxptq2MnneRVmARw2BrffSbzqllqlaQ/VW06I w5TIgZM6R8opkj3+S71wCJekVqMiTbZCIOesRVsesOtkrnDVBZGP4MO9OJC2uy06 w/RFVaoRuwA4t5hoL6xrdaN1Ak7kUwwc5yTP3VDl0P9lva9ENmEvZkZT1tyBwxTg uXzBuG3quf1HT9oi8e7SPYwsUChkEGLACK92OKXFNhTvpRyQShbOsNTBbrasFDe2 W/IXr6095tFSVpyv/D4G4znqlmJjMfSMjsOBV8rsiMY14l9/b9w= =njLT -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Related search keywords to the topic if you're interested in "Internet Safety":
-Download Windows Privacy Tray-WinPt
-Tails Linux OS (Edward Snowden's OS of choice)
-Ghost VPN
Epic Browser
How to encrypt your E-mail.
Thunderbird client + enigmail addon + WinPt = 100% confidential email exchange,but never write your private post in the browser, at best directly on the cliboard instead to enhance safety. This combination is very simple to use, guess I maybe could teach it even to a monkey.:-)
The simplest solution works the following:
After downloading and installation go to WinPT in your system tray, click to "edit clipboard" and write or copy your text right there. Then click "PGP" on top and "encrypt" it with the public key of the recipient you've imported in your key manager in advance. Copy the encrypted text into your common email provider's compose section and send it,done. this way you never write text into the browser where it could be detected and recorded. The encrypted files or messages could also been send by Skype or even better "Torchat" once you exchanged each others Tor-chat-user-id by encrypted email.
To open the message the recipient copies the encrypted text into his clipboard and follows the decrypt procedure,done. Of course the public keys need to be exchanged via email before (I just posted mine on the website) in order to to use each others public key to encrypt the massages. Long story short: It doesn't even need an email client to do the job quick and convenient.
"Yes, we scan"! We've to read your emails, you could be a criminal, child abuser or a "Terrorist"!!!:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1 - WinPT 1.4.3 Charset: UTF-8 Comment: Gnu Privacy Tools Comment: Download at http://www.gnupt.de mQENBFO/+X8BCADqmDJazoaYJlPE7gf+3ZGcpzyu3M3Aa8wOjWB9ZPfsfhTAR8XA 6vUIa07uyYvMnp000MJUiAM9CczEBZu2Es3rsfin6SwFW+IBjL0DJ7xUFKjI/uVu MbkGT6h+xYgQJtjr92+Jan3ArY6p442zCjt/tPeULuej72/FcpuaXd7F+6iuf1XK LBjfp+4HTlItZtG1b3DQ5Ag76FUIF5b6rtblIdcGBmeNsDV0CSr8xDHgUBqSQjHU mdcIbizB+0DsjsV8pAx3jReNfpMZUKFtuUOfF8UStpgSVQrWxLw95fleHSnMpWg1 MQV6fs3DDGB814vZ2yQ8Sq0mqBaUUEj+i24rABEBAAG0J1Nhc2NoYSBOb3dhayA8 c2FzY2hhc3Bvc3Rib3hAeWFob28uY29tPokBOAQTAQIAIgUCU7/5fwIbAwYLCQgH AwIGFQgCCQoLBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQFqOgtR/4nDhKMAgAkCEch1Gu8Jr46ryA fgjRKnNPjlBhvloF5aOUkLimAUCuSoQp5v8PsruwaNqWTz7Ar6lYu2hb809Cr9EY uIqEBjJYiItCSv50jW4kBNkBYNACmxe+jG5ljqIj9U+fleXH7scPZGbDMUk0DVfB Vv9Z8k3ciigoBmTSvA7HHZjzQiBhff3XHH6QlfXjjdzcT3nPXWwj31XuLs0Vo0O/ nc3hA7P8u2eHKHsA6PHTAqKRGK9gM6vIchogzd1zYLweoggNCJZvSq+Kbc8aODj1 EYiadsW56i8riYv/ivWqB0ZVQfvFJWvwip7Bp3dFA1LgS5GjGrYsMIqWQR0vCGUO Ff7oy7kBDQRTv/l/AQgAwU+nAfJ6PStItEA5yjz7fMgWD1/gmAcNLpN7PVq3GZdi Rusuc92GoMvBGvDGTPVFN8KS2SsFusx8SBoOpBUrPePiJRR3V3B/duM2nG9QZ00r /LG6oPGpdlfGW1WFn7jHxB2iJ0SZqaT/9J3i/pm5tPTj/y8ys7ynFRAV+8KMEIXM kMDasTqOmth9JMiq4kTf5sTxnBX0XB4sPPtLucemm2UH4JW0X2QH2/NQ8MTBRiZi C2J8H+YpakJ02ewfi2bkKWjtmV3A31KyZrIcUPoil0V2/s+rEIQhpOqmUDULOiqA 1uIpEtx+c20hReePFnX6G3kBLk+KD4Q2jRSMmben+QARAQABiQEfBBgBAgAJBQJT v/l/AhsMAAoJEBajoLUf+Jw4XeUIAMtY+GQMQWoLjXDJsmhgOV4fi8cKW9dIZwuV 4YNPr+o0BGOdTdr7GUeJ4Oxdk3Vdxptq2MnneRVmARw2BrffSbzqllqlaQ/VW06I w5TIgZM6R8opkj3+S71wCJekVqMiTbZCIOesRVsesOtkrnDVBZGP4MO9OJC2uy06 w/RFVaoRuwA4t5hoL6xrdaN1Ak7kUwwc5yTP3VDl0P9lva9ENmEvZkZT1tyBwxTg uXzBuG3quf1HT9oi8e7SPYwsUChkEGLACK92OKXFNhTvpRyQShbOsNTBbrasFDe2 W/IXr6095tFSVpyv/D4G4znqlmJjMfSMjsOBV8rsiMY14l9/b9w= =njLT -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Related search keywords to the topic if you're interested in "Internet Safety":
-Download Windows Privacy Tray-WinPt
-Tails Linux OS (Edward Snowden's OS of choice)
-Ghost VPN
Epic Browser
How to encrypt your E-mail.
Thunderbird client + enigmail addon + WinPt = 100% confidential email exchange,but never write your private post in the browser, at best directly on the cliboard instead to enhance safety. This combination is very simple to use, guess I maybe could teach it even to a monkey.:-)
The simplest solution works the following:
After downloading and installation go to WinPT in your system tray, click to "edit clipboard" and write or copy your text right there. Then click "PGP" on top and "encrypt" it with the public key of the recipient you've imported in your key manager in advance. Copy the encrypted text into your common email provider's compose section and send it,done. this way you never write text into the browser where it could be detected and recorded. The encrypted files or messages could also been send by Skype or even better "Torchat" once you exchanged each others Tor-chat-user-id by encrypted email.
To open the message the recipient copies the encrypted text into his clipboard and follows the decrypt procedure,done. Of course the public keys need to be exchanged via email before (I just posted mine on the website) in order to to use each others public key to encrypt the massages. Long story short: It doesn't even need an email client to do the job quick and convenient.
"Yes, we scan"! We've to read your emails, you could be a criminal, child abuser or a "Terrorist"!!!:
Friday, June 20, 2014
Day Trading
After some questions about my particular stock trading style I made a video.:) Every day is different, this one was a very easy one so far and BASF is a piece of cake at the present day. Enjoy my YouTube movie about "Day Trading":
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Die EU ist das 4. Reich

Alles Schall und Rauch
Google Translate will help you to read it in your language of choice.
After you did read the article I suggest to take a look at the Bilderberger participants list. This Horror-Show is reality.:(
Understanding the globalist strategy: Read this article of Personal Liberty in this context.
“Noch sitzt ihr da oben, ihr feigen Gestalten, vom Feinde bezahlt und dem Volke zum Spott. Doch einst wird wieder Gerechtigkeit walten, dann richtet das Volk und es gnade euch Gott.”
C. Th. Körner, 1791-1813
Friday, May 23, 2014
Russischer Komiker ueber Conchita Wurst
Der hochgradig verbloedete und degenerierte Westen hat sich wieder mal so richtig zum Clown gemacht:
Die Antwort des russischen Komikers auf dieseSchwuchtel-Propaganda ist unbezahlbar.:) Angesichts der vielen atemberaubenden russischen (echten) Frauen im Publikum brauchte ich nach dem Video erst mal'ne kalte Dusche.:)
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
BMW trade
I bought these stocks right before at 89,28 € and'll keep them a little while.:)
The stock made a little downturn for about eight minutes and is recovering to 0,1 % below my buy quote right now.
Finally I sold the stock for today with 0,08 $ gain per share, what a waste of time.:(
The stock made a little downturn for about eight minutes and is recovering to 0,1 % below my buy quote right now.
Finally I sold the stock for today with 0,08 $ gain per share, what a waste of time.:(
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Heidelberger Cement Trade
I bought these stocks right before at 62,33€ :
Sold for 62,93€
Around 1 % within 4 hours.:) Was a quite bumpy ride as you can see in the whole intra-day chart:
Thursday, April 24, 2014
I am flabbergasted after watching this video
100 % proof of Michelle Obama being in fact a man in this video, no doubt on my side. The video was attached to a website, publishing the whole story.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Hier die Nachrichten ueber die Nachrichten
Realsatire von Dr. Alfons Proebstl rueckt das aktuelle Zeitgeschehen mal wieder perfekt ins richtige Licht.:)
"Im übrigen gilt ja hier derjenige, der auf den Schmutz hinweist, für viel gefährlicher als der, der den Schmutz macht."
Kurt Tucholsky
"Im übrigen gilt ja hier derjenige, der auf den Schmutz hinweist, für viel gefährlicher als der, der den Schmutz macht."
Kurt Tucholsky
Thursday, March 27, 2014
A sporty trade with Adidas
Today's first and only trade so far:
That was about 0,6 % in twenty minutes, still waiting since hours for another drop to buy again.:)
That was about 0,6 % in twenty minutes, still waiting since hours for another drop to buy again.:)
Friday, March 14, 2014
Mr. DAX- Dirk Mueller ueber die Lage in der Ukraine
Merkel fordert Opferbereitschaft von den BRiD-Sklaven - kommt jetzt der Dritte Weltkrieg?
Praesident Putin's Rede zur Lage in der Ukraine, absolut lesenswert!
Auf der anderen Seite dann wieder die Rumproleterei in Form von Kriegshetze und Drohungen gegen einen suveraenen Staat, die Systempropaganda gegen Russland laeuft zur Hoechstform auf! Die Welt wird von einer Bande von Verbrechern (Bilderbergern) an die Schwelle zum Krieg der Supermaechte gezwungen, nach Syrien wird nun an anderer Stelle gezuendelt. Der Mord an dem Ukrainischen Soldaten sieht mal wieder verdaechtig nach der ueblichen CIA Handbuch - False-Flag - Methode zur Destabilisierung von Staaten aus.
"Das erste Opfer des Krieges ist immer die Wahrheit"!
Stoppt westlichen Imperalismus!
Der Kalte Krieg war nie zu Ende. Über den unmöglichen Umgang der westlichen Establishment-Medien und Politik mit Russland
Der Einsatz von Heckenschützen ist eine übliche Taktik bei NATO-Regimewechseln!
Zeitpunkt.ch: Der Überlebenskampf der USA eskaliert: Ein neuer Kalter Krieg wird ausgelöst, um Europa annektieren zu können
Nato-Bombenkrieg in Jugoslawien: Das Sterben geht weiter wegen der verwendeten Uran-Munition!
Krimineller als Washington geht kaum noch:
Spezialisten der US-Behörden CIA und FBI operieren in der Ukraine!
Trading suggestion of the day
The long stock market rally seems to come to an end soon, the Dow Jones lost a lot of Momentum and dropped more than 1,4 % yesterday. In this context I want to write something about the short on the Dow , the ETF "SDOW". I advised a friend recently to switch from his silver ETF (AGQ) to the SDOW ETF and he's since then considering to buy a new car pretty soon.:)
Pictures tell more than words, check out the chart:
Be advised that this is a high risk derivative, don't mess around with that if you're not 100% sure what you're doing. Anyway, once the markets turn into a bear playground- this would be the way to go.:)
Pictures tell more than words, check out the chart:
Be advised that this is a high risk derivative, don't mess around with that if you're not 100% sure what you're doing. Anyway, once the markets turn into a bear playground- this would be the way to go.:)
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
No Trading Today
The bears are back in business.:(
The Henkel dropped today beneath its previous day-low.
A real-time screenshot of the entire mess:
Fortunately I collected the gain yesterday while the markets are going over the railing.:)
The Henkel dropped today beneath its previous day-low.
A real-time screenshot of the entire mess:
Fortunately I collected the gain yesterday while the markets are going over the railing.:)
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
The Henkel Trade
Some more about my trading activities. I did buy Henkel (German Blue Chip-Equivalent to Procter and Gamble ) right before and intent to keep these value papers for a couple of weeks. The arrow marks my buy quote.
A blank candlestick chart of the stocks below.
One hour later:
The gain is so far 0,65% .:)
Update 2:
Sold for 77,64€ , bought for 76,95€, around 0,9 % earned within 5 hours.:)
I will keep on trading this stock and be about to buy them back tomorrow, hopefull lower than now to increase my gain during this new uptrend I'll stick to. This trade was done with 97% of my trading capital, very happy so far.:)
A blank candlestick chart of the stocks below.
One hour later:
The gain is so far 0,65% .:)
Update 2:
Sold for 77,64€ , bought for 76,95€, around 0,9 % earned within 5 hours.:)
I will keep on trading this stock and be about to buy them back tomorrow, hopefull lower than now to increase my gain during this new uptrend I'll stick to. This trade was done with 97% of my trading capital, very happy so far.:)
Friday, February 28, 2014
Another wedding invitation
Michaela got invited to a wedding party opposite our house , the same family Danny's play buddies and the little girl mentioned below is from. That's how a usual invitation looks like:
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
A opinion on "Feminism"
In my humble opinion is nothing feminine on feminists and I'm not wondering at all that most of them are living without a partner.
I would definitely not like to be married to a woman who behaves like a man without manners.)
When bringing this sick ideology together with what's written on the Giorgia Guide stones it's not that hard to realize the true intention of the unfeminine "Feminism".:)
Feminism is a "Devide and Conquer" strategy of the elite in order to decimate the world population !
When bringing this sick ideology together with what's written on the Giorgia Guide stones it's not that hard to realize the true intention of the unfeminine "Feminism".:)
Feminism is a "Devide and Conquer" strategy of the elite in order to decimate the world population !
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Eigentuemlich Frei - Ein fantastischer Blog
Da kann man nur sagen: "Weg vom Fernseher und ab auf diesen Blog".
Link zu dem ganzen Artikel.
Google Translate will help you to read this fantastic blog in your language of choice.:)
Link zu dem ganzen Artikel.
Google Translate will help you to read this fantastic blog in your language of choice.:)
Monday, February 10, 2014
The Teletubbies at the Olympic games!
War das nun die geniale Idee von Ex-Aussenminister Schwesterwelle oder von Buergermeister Pobereit?
Eroeffnungsfeier is Sotschi zwischen Ying und Yang auf "Eigentuemlich Frei"
War das nun die geniale Idee von Ex-Aussenminister Schwesterwelle oder von Buergermeister Pobereit?
Eroeffnungsfeier is Sotschi zwischen Ying und Yang auf "Eigentuemlich Frei"
Michaela and Da
A picture of my beautiful wife Michaela and Da, the little girl from the neighborhood who visits us every day with her brothers.:)
Monday, January 27, 2014
Need a roof over your head ?
House for rent in quiet,pleasant and secure neighborhood, fully renovated, new painted, new build hi-security gate, partly furnished, approximately 120 sq m. usable space. The house got :
3 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
2 story
1 hot shower water unit
1 Tv
1 fridge
1 cooker
Carport, no garden
1 air condition unit in the upper bedroom
Lease terms:
330 $ rental fee, 2 months deposit, six months minimum lease contract, no additional commission, electricity 1000 Riel per KW.
Feel free to call me ( 00855 (0) 976/863676 ) for more info and viewing appointment.
3 bedrooms
3 bathrooms
2 story
1 hot shower water unit
1 Tv
1 fridge
1 cooker
Carport, no garden
1 air condition unit in the upper bedroom
Lease terms:
330 $ rental fee, 2 months deposit, six months minimum lease contract, no additional commission, electricity 1000 Riel per KW.
Feel free to call me ( 00855 (0) 976/863676 ) for more info and viewing appointment.
Friday, January 24, 2014
How aid organisations are helping themselfs
If you've ever donated some hard earned income to these freeloaders take a look at this picture:
This picture was taken this morning within the five star Sokha Beach Resort, where several brand new UNICEF luxury Landcruisers was parked next to the entrance to the lobby when I showed my son the Resort by driving through. We both started laughing when we saw the UNICEF cars. After returning home I grabbed the camera to take a picture of your donated money at work. Two Landcruisers had left the compound by then except the one above. This should give you an idea anyway where your charitable donations end up.:)
Greenpeace verzockt Millionen mit Währungs-Spekulationen
Greenpeace chairman travels every day by airplane to work!
This picture was taken this morning within the five star Sokha Beach Resort, where several brand new UNICEF luxury Landcruisers was parked next to the entrance to the lobby when I showed my son the Resort by driving through. We both started laughing when we saw the UNICEF cars. After returning home I grabbed the camera to take a picture of your donated money at work. Two Landcruisers had left the compound by then except the one above. This should give you an idea anyway where your charitable donations end up.:)
Greenpeace verzockt Millionen mit Währungs-Spekulationen
Greenpeace chairman travels every day by airplane to work!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Cambodia 1965
Amazing how far developed and modern the country was before the unthinkable took place.
Danny's friends from the house opposite
These two boys, their names are Rite and Rito are Danny's closed friends here in town and the kids play every afternoon in our living room or in their garden:
The cute little girl, her name is Da belongs to the same family and is used to spontaneously pay us a visit whenever she likes:
She calls my wife Aunty Mick (Om Mick) and loves her so much. The first thing we hear every morning when leaving the house to the noodle soup kitchen for breakfast is her "Hello", a day couldn't start any better.:)
The cute little girl, her name is Da belongs to the same family and is used to spontaneously pay us a visit whenever she likes:
She calls my wife Aunty Mick (Om Mick) and loves her so much. The first thing we hear every morning when leaving the house to the noodle soup kitchen for breakfast is her "Hello", a day couldn't start any better.:)
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
A moron tried to steal our motorbike!
Laziness, stupidity and theft is never far apart. A "multitasking talent" tried to steal our motorbike before from the parking lot at Sokha beach , but was fortunately even to silly for that and just damaged the lock.
Anyway, I suggest to take precautions here and use a separate lock as I'll from now on.
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