Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our Plan B

Since we got forced once to leave our destination of choice through new visa regulations 4 years ago in Thailand we are working on a "plan B",just in case.
So where would be a nice place to go?

The best place on earth for paragliding i've been so far.
Good infrastucture,nice landscape,good food quite expensive compared to neighbor provinces.Awesome cost soaring in the monsun free season.
Good real estate opportunities,very affordable living costs but unfortunately violent crime like home invasions,robberies,kidnappings on the rise.Just Google for "crime Paraguay".They have a very liberal gun law,so good opportunity for me to shot IPSC and IDPA matches.Good shooting skills would be probably necessary over there anyway.:)
If we would find a way to immigrate to the States,we wouldn't hesitate.There is a way over a contract with an employer,but the work permit is only valid for this particular job.We don't see a way to just start our own business as we would like to.If it would be surprisingly possible we would likely move to Savannah/Georgia or in one of the two Dakota states.


  1. India does not have regular immigration visa.
    Probably quite difficult to get immigration visa for Nepal.

  2. Sorry, I did not want to mention it, but that business for the US is not by any chance related to .... B.... Ba .... Bag .... Bagu .... Baguet....? NO! Not saying the word. I swear. Cross my heart etc.

  3. Hi Sascha,
    I think Thailand is a different story.
    But why Plan B?
    Normaly Cambodia is a good country for running a business and making money for the everyday living.
    Its not easy but its possible.
    best regards

  4. indeed, we are in the right land now! I agree with max. Cambodia at moment is perfect for stay and doing a business. Everything is growing up and tourism get a big boost.

    There a not many countrys you get easy a long term visa and workpermit without showing a lot. In paraguay you have to show some money and a staple of papers. India is very difficult to get a visa and workpermit. USA is not useful to stay. Americans if they can go out, at moment they do it.

    Not so really funny... and shows you don't know anything 'bout the world. Special in the USA the "Subs" (as the Baquettes called there) is a high rising biz. And even in cambodia also! In Phnom Penh are a lot of "Barang-Sub" fastfood stalls and everyone works well.

    By they way. Cambodia has formed a own stockmarket and if I read its Saschas old job, there is no question about plan b

  5. so serrue is you sascha, right?.... imho you are deleting every comment that anyone posts on here(if anyone reads this for real, except myself)... the remaining comments (most of them are written by yourself) have a misterious relation to your blog-entries anyhow...
    e.g. "By they way. Cambodia has formed a own stockmarket and if I read its Saschas old job, there is no question about plan b"

    come on man! i mean, be at least a bit creative...

    "why you don't start with a Airtourist Project in Cambodia. Its a great idea and most of the tourist are a little boring after stay awhile in SV. Talk with the local authorities. You will found open ears. "

    this is so YOUR english... i just had to say something...

    cheers mate, cu in australia=) xoxoxoxoxo

  6. Hi all and sorry as well for beeing very lazy in replying to all comments.
    This blog was mainly created for keeping friends and relatives up to date with our life here.
    Now there are in the average 250-400 hits a day of visitors from all over the world.I've never aspected that.
    I promise to do better from now on in replying to comments.

    But be aware that i want to life in peace here with my family,so exeptional stupid,jelous or somehow insulting comments get immidiatelly deleted.

    Best whishes

  7. @Anonymus
    We made the mistake to sell our story to a TV company about our move to Cambodia.
    Since they broadcasted the faked bullshit they produced some small minded morrons who never learned some manners from their mother at the right time think they have to bother a family to fill their boring day since they saw us in TV.
    Of course i'm not leaving the brainfarts of this this kind of guys on my pages!
    To trade stocks in real with all your money in it is for the nerves very demanding and tests showed,that professional traders are while their work mentally as demanded as a fighting plane pilot.(not in combat)
    To trade in a market where i don't understand the minute by minute incoming news at all would be even more stressfull.I think i'll save that,but you're probably right-it would be lucrative and a good idea to invest here.I just don't have the nerves for it and stick with my used markets.
    Airtourist business:
    I keep that in mind,thanks.
    Not my native language,but still my best developed one of the two other foreign languages i'm speaking fluently.
    Of course i see also my grammar mistakes or misspellings and edit them as good as i can.

    Best whishes
