It's going faster and faster down south there,as we can read in non-mainstream news allmost every day.
One of the last not so funny things was that the hungarian government nationalized the retirement savings of their citizens for the purpose to pay the enormous liabilities of the country.Unbelivable-an EU state is confiscating public property!
I think as an Hungarian i would be pretty pissed off about that!
Ok,but thats by far not all:
Belgium is tratened to brake in bancruptcy appart without a government steering against it.The devided country is since april 2010 without a functioning government.The country among to the EU states with the highest liabilities.
Spain is maybe going to trow all paymnent belated leasers out on the road from next month on.Affected are also the onces with unpayed mortgages.That won't be only a few,so much is ovious.
Ok,in southern spain it's quite warm and they could sleep on the beach too,but this could intervene the tourism industry,where many politicians with "side income" are invested.(sarcasm off)
In Germany,where 19 % of the working people are in state's duty(all others are the not so lucky ones,who have to pay that)the even beside the head smart government introduced the following rip off's for 2011:
-An "Air traffic tax"
-Tax on tobacco up.
-The healt insurance fee is incrasing 0,6 % to 15.5% of the pretax income.
-Health insurances can add additional costs with unlimited amount to the patient's bill.
-Many social benefits get cancelled.
The same is valid for the majority of other EU states.The taxes get rised,benefits cancelled,more fees and so on.