Monday, January 2, 2012

2012:The year of the water (水) dragon (龍)

Chinese new year will fall this year on the 23rd. of January and follows the year of the rabbit. The year of the Dragon: is one that brings happiness and good fortune. It is one of the most positive and strongest of all of the twelve star signs. During the year of the Dragon their will be violent acts of nature, with an electrifying ambience and things coming in waves. For those considering marriage or starting a new venture or business it is an favourable year. People born under the year of the Dragon appear to have magical traits, they are strong and full of energy and forever on the go. Some of their more negative traits include: eccentricity, a tendency towards being arrogant and very trying. However they do have many fans and expect the same level of excellence from others that they expect from themselves. They are also full of pride. Other traits include: failing to practice what they preach, over confident, a tendency to intimidate others, feel themselves to be above the law, and can be illogical, domineering and obstinate. In many cases they fail to identify their foes. Although energetic they are liable to become obsessive. On the plus side they seldom hold grudges and are generally quick to forgive. Dragons are said to be able to accomplish great things and those born in this year are also said to represent the horns of destiny. Needing a cause for which to fight, Dragons will never merely stand back and accept their fate or what life brings. In Chinese Taoist thought, water is representative of intelligence and wisdom, flexibility, softness and pliancy; however, an over-abundance of the element is said to cause difficulty in choosing something and sticking to it. In the same way, Water can be fluid and weak, but can also wield great power when it floods and overwhelms the land. Water governs the kidney and bladder and is associated with the ears and bones. The negative emotion associated with water is fear/anxiety, while the positive emotion is calmness. P.s.: If you're interested,check out my personal Chinese Star sign:The Rat. Some more rat attributes. If you maybe think this almost 5000 year old Taoist wisdom is all rubbish,just keep on watching tv.:-)

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