Friday, August 31, 2012

Hydraulic systems for Danny

Danny asked me recently where all the power comes from a crane is using,just one many questions our kid is asking daily.
We went on the Youtube side to seek for a easy understandable illustration of a hydraulic system:

Hydraulische Hebebuehne
Daniel watched the video twice and was asked to explain us how the whole systems operates to ensure that he apprehended the lesson of technical operating modes.:)

Using the internet for education is like living in a huge library instead of placing a curious by nature kid in front of a TV.If you want smart kids throw the TV out first.:)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Noch mehr Parasiten in die BRD Volkskammer

Neues aus der Komoedie 621 Stuehle-eine Meinung.:-)
Das Beste an dem Artikel im Handelsblatt sind die Leserkommentare,an denen man erkennt,das es im Volk noch zu viele schlaue gibt.Da besteht also noch "Bildungsbedarf" durchs Schulsystem fuer kommende Generationen.
In logischer Konsequenz fehlt durch die unglaubliche Zahl an staatsbediensteten Schmarotzern das Geld dann an wirklich relevanter Stelle:

Sowas hat weder Zukunft fuer unser Kind,noch fuer uns(Stichwort:Generationengerechtigkeit).Deswegen keinen Cent von meinem Geld fuer dieses Kasperle Theater!
Gesteuert wird das ganze Witzparlament ja sowieso durch die selbsternannte Machtelite,die Bilderberger.Um zu tun was die wollen brauchts natuerlich noch mehr ueberbezahlte Marionetten.
Seit Willi Brandt kamen saemtliche Kanzler und Kandidaten aus den Reihen der Bilderberger (Ja,auch Birne und Ferkel)wie nun auch Peer Steinbrueck,so ein Zufall.:-)

Bilderberger Steinbrueck gegen Bilderberger Merkel-Die Show kann beginnen!

Bezahlt der Staat Gerhard Schröder sieben Dienstwagen?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Still holiday time at the stockmarkets

While listening to Survivor I'm watching the DAX dropping.The trading day just started,never surrender to soon:)

Anyway,it's not possible for me to commentate a trading day while working as promised recently.The stress-and concentration level is just to high to put all actions in real-time in the internet,sorry dear readers.:)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Two years away from Europe/New haircut for Danny

A reason to celebrate.:)
Because this important anniversary should be remembered we all decided to give Danny a total new haircut on this particular day before heading to a restaurant of his choice.:)
So we went on Youtube to check out how that works.
After watching this video twice we started:

That's how he looks like now:

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

An extraordinary love story

A friend from Cincinnati/Ohio did sent me these pictures by email:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Global trade indicators are turning scary

At first the Harpex of HARPER Peterson & Co. which is a shipping agent of Hamburg's port.The chart of the Harpex indicator shows the demand on container transports to global good receivers:

The Baltic-Dry index indicator for the global trade of commodities:

A sign for a low demand on commodities of the producing industry,for empty books of commissions.:(

The times are getting harder on the global markets.The export as well as the import indicators of the foremost economies are sharply declining.

Fasten your seatbelts-Unpleasant landing ahead.:(

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BMW on their way to our buy-quote

We are still 100% in cash since Friday and keep on waiting for the next chance,not like the one today.:)
As promised we'll publish more about our daytrading once we're buying again.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

"Auswanderungssteuer" in Bearbeitung


Best Nigel Farage speeches

The previously published speech was the most visited posting of the week so here comes a collection of some more:
His personal website.

Friday, August 10, 2012

A whole trading day from the beginning

First market mood in the pre-DAX:

Nice,they open hopefully low at 9 am. and are recovering later:)
In the worst case the stock would drop below the lowest quote of the previous days(59,29€&59,04€). If these important support marks prevail another interesting day is about to come.:)
The current sidewards movement of the stock is very appealing and each start of the good days in the last weeks was quite low and constantly increasing,closing near the intra day top.

An hour later in the pre-market:

In the meantime is music of Ludwig van Beethoven giving the nearing business day a calming atmosphere.

8.50 am:
Order mask on the second Notebook get's filled:

The second one is connected by Mobile I-Net stick to ensure highest stability.

9.52 am.:
A very week day so far.The didn't take the first resistance mark but dropped below the intra-day support mark and will likely fall further.:(
I didn't take advantage of the first green street because the stock is in the important oscillators in the upper sector.
The FS 14 confirmed by this move for instance another sell signal:

More than two hours after opening is the DAX still deep red,seems the party is over for this week.:(

The stock gained back from its low but the slim trading range made me decide against buying.

Danny is asking right now for driving motorbike,guess I safe this risky day.:)

After we returned home we discovered that the stock lost again almost down to the previous low and did the next step very suddenly beneath it in a large gap.That's exactly the reason why to stay away of such unpredictable "chances" in a bad market:

Many red candles in a short upward move are by the way a sign for a lot of doubts in the market.

This tread will be continued next week.:)

Mustard for Danny:)

Danny was reading the Wikipedia page about the topic today in about 20 minutes and mentioned to us afterwards that the seeds was even used in the ancient Chinese medicine for medical purposes.

As often he did choose the topic by himself as just one a dozen questions he is asking per day.:)

Right now he is watching this Youtube Video about how to make mustard online in his native language while I'm posting from another laptop.:)


Another busy week with continuous day trading gains is coming to an end.The Dow Jones is still trying his top marks.A few good news and the resistance at 13215 points is history(QE3 now!).:)
This DAX chart with GD 200,a GD 55 and a 20 day average Bollinger Band.The Gold Cross of the GD 55 and the GD 200 is very convincing:

BMW made us quite happy this week and remains very interesting.The stock got a strong support mark around 58€,where the GD 20 & the GD 55 are currently located.Once the stock takes the GD 200 at 61,70€ we will trade it all the way up to 74€.:)

Yesterdays trading of the stock was a ride in roller coaster with 1.7% gain after two trades until market closure.If I find the time today I'll maybe document a whole trading day included buy and sell quotes in real time.:)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First explosive lessons for Danny

Since Danny isn't giving up to ask me over and over again about explosives and their particular characteristics I'm starting to teach him about the following explosives and their chemistry:

He is so interested in the field that he could become maybe a blaster/demolition expert in a country like Australia with plenty of opportunities in the mining area later on,so why holding him back in his greed for knowledge.:)
My personal capabilities in this sector are all theoretical and I've never made for example C4 or any other plastic explosive by myself but it would be in fact surprisingly simple to make all sorts of pyrotechnic material.:)

The approaching extension of our lease contract

Michaela did talk to our landlord right before and got asked if we intent to stay for another year.She said that we are about to stay in Cambodia for at least another year and maybe even forever.:)
Our landlord told her that she would normally raise the rental fee from now 200$ to 250$ but since we are so good friends she'll be happy with 200$ for the 3rd. year.
The family is quite wealthy and is building right now another 2 party house.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Nigel Farage

Another awesome speech of Mr.Farage:

The new version of the Muppet Show called European Union couldn't be better explained.:-)
Youtube Link

Selten so gelacht

Politically Incorrect